This post wasn’t scheduled and I’ve been on the schedule of posting blogs on Tuesdays but this was on my heart and I thought it might be on some of your too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young entrepreneur, entrepreneur, teenager, adult, stay-at-home mom or in the corporate world, this will apply to you. […]
Well, you all answered and now I’m delivering. I was surprised when I saw that you all were split evenly on what you wanted to read about! I’m thrilled that you want to read about the business side and the personal side. I thought I’d start with personal, and what my other jobs are. I’ve […]
This post is a little late…or is it? It’s January 10th and I had full intentions to write a post about the New Year and all of the business updates earlier but I’ve just been so busy with all of the new business updates, my multiple jobs, the New Year and my anniversary with my […]
This week I decided to restart. It’s been a very busy season with 1 funeral, 5 weddings, and two more left in the last 2 months along with countless meetings and my other side jobs. I took Laura Foote’s advice and cleaned, organized, decluttered and made my room (since I don’t own a home) feel […]
I’ve touched on this in the past but I wanted to dive into it a little more. For those of you who don’t know, I graduated from Radford University this past May. I majored in Communication and minored in Marketing but my job is a Wedding Planner. The most common question I get when people […]
This beautiful welcome sign was created byCaitlin Baumberger of Happy Tines! I’m not sure how to do a recap of Creative at Heart in just a few paragraphs so instead I will write about a few of the best things I learned while in Raleigh for 4 days. To give a little background first, Creative […]
I’ve been trying to write this post for almost a week. I took off last week for my college spring break and only did “work” last Tuesday, but I wouldn’t really consider it work. I had a phone consultation and met with a coordinator at a venue that I adore! So, Sunday, when I came […]
I am someone who needs routine during the school/work week and wants to either do nothing or everything during the weekend. I know I’ve always liked to plan and know what’s happening when but it wasn’t until college that I realized I need routine in my life. Every semester my routine has to change, and […]
Is anyone else hoping this unusually warm weather stays? I know I am! This weather gets me motivated for some reason. As a college student, you’d think this weather would make me less motivated because warm weather leads to summer and summer means I’m done with school forever!! Can you say senioritis? Now, I say […]
Valentine’s Day. A day I really had no feelings towards until 2013. Growing up I would get excited for the candy I would get, the little presents and cards from my parents and the chocolate…so. much. chocolate. Once I got into high school I had a few boyfriends, none of them lasted long, by my […]