April 16, 2018
This post wasn’t scheduled and I’ve been on the schedule of posting blogs on Tuesdays but this was on my heart and I thought it might be on some of your too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young entrepreneur, entrepreneur, teenager, adult, stay-at-home mom or in the corporate world, this will apply to you. It’s a thought that I think we like to push under the rug for as long as we can and pretend everything is a-okay and orderly until something pushes us right over the top of that cliff and we crack.
That thought is that we don’t know what the future holds. Sure, I know what my schedule looks like this week. I have my babysitting days on Tuesday and Thursday (if you read last week’s post some things have changed) and I work at Annalise on Wednesday. I have some added meetings for the week and I know that on Thursday morning I’ll get my nails done. I also know that I have my first wedding of 2018 on April 29th and I’ll head up to the hotel in Dulles on the evening of the 27th. While this sounds like I know what the future holds, those are only minor details in the grand scheme of life.
I can only speak for myself and what I’ve chosen to do in regards to my life and how I make an income but I’m sure people who have chosen a different path can also relate. It’s terrifying as a business owner to think about the future. I don’t know if the two weddings I have in the books for 2019 will be the only ones. If they are, what does that mean for my business? Should I get into the corporate world and use the degree I went to school for 4 years for and use it sitting behind a desk because my business might be failing? The week I published my blog about my other jobs, 2 of those jobs changed dramatically, including one of them ending very abruptly. The other job will end in June. Both jobs are ending for great reasons within their individual families and I’m thrilled for them but this is a huge change to my life and my income. I just moved into my first apartment a little over a month ago and I depend on these jobs to pay the bills, which means a job search started the day I got the news.
Huck has also been on a job search, but for much longer than I have. You can think you’re a perfect fit and match all of the requirements but that doesn’t guarantee anything. I could get the job with the family I’m interviewing with tomorrow but that doesn’t mean I’ll have that job until I’m ready to say goodbye. Huck could get a job that he’s thrilled about only to learn it’s not at all what he thought it would be. We are always told we control our future and will get to where we want after hard work and perseverance but let me tell you something, that is only partly true.
I work my booty off every day. I post on Instagram, write blogs that I think will get the audience I need to gravitate towards me, I eat better and work out 3-5 days a week and I invest in my business, but seeing the results through my own eyes doesn’t come as easy as I’d hope. Those of you in the corporate world know that there’s always a chance the company you work for will fail and you just might get laid off. Or your family needs more to survive in this crazy world and you have to leave your dream job to have a higher income to support the family you love so dearly. The same goes for the rock star moms and dads who are stay-at-home parents. Anything can change, altering your life in some way you never wanted or never thought would happen to you because you are _____ and stuff like that would never happen to you.
Sometimes it takes a break down to be reminded that I’m not in control. God is. I can certainly be the assistant to my life and put every ounce of effort into my goals and dreams, but I am not the one who decides if these goals and dreams are what God put me on this earth to do. I believe with my heart that I am meant to be a wedding planner and have a family and marriage of my own one day and I will strive for that but I will also have an open heart to allow myself to see if God is telling me something different.
Only God knows what my future holds, and yours too. I know this because when I should have been anxious and scared about my job change, I was calm and knew something would work out. I also know God is there because he gave me the confidence to live on my own with an awesome roommate. He also sent me a man 5 years ago that has been by my side every day through every up and down, struggle and praise and loved me through it. I’ve been given so many amazing opportunities, a wonderful loving family and a silent comforting hand of God that allows me to put my trust in him when I have no idea what the next months will look like.
Will you take every day one day at a time with me? Will you let go a little and let God lead a little more? Put away the unrealistic deadlines and make more daily goals to get you to those big dreams. Lastly, reach out to a friend, whether you know them well or just love what they post and let them know you’re cheering them on. I promise, even those people who look like they have it all together and their business or life is thriving, they’re also struggling somewhere too.